Recently at the college, an employee circulated an online article among fellow employees. This article came from one of the leftist websites that covers academia from the insider perspective. The mission of this segment of the economy is to siphon off as much money as possible from the government, in order to pay an army of six-figure academic bureaucrats while they bad-mouth America and mainstream values.
The article is one of many that have appeared since November, channeling the government-academic-media-entertainment (GAME) complex’s horror and rage that “our democracy” actually permitted the voters to elect someone of whom GAME does not approve (Donald Trump). They outlined several areas of outrage:
The voters disapprove of racial preferences in admissions and hiring. That means they must be racist.
The voters disapprove of the obsession with transgenderism and forcing men into women’s private spaces.
The voters believe you must have permission to enter someone else’s country. That is also racist.
The voters believe that violent attacks against Jews are crimes even when motivated by hatred of Israel, which academics find to be a “nuanced” issue.
The voters are skeptical that the Department of Education has improved education. Therefore they must be against education.
As you have witnessed in the last month, Democrats are completely tone-deaf and are doubling down on the policies that alienated a plurality in the last election. They are blocking the president’s nominees in Congress. They are suing over every single executive order. They don’t support making America healthy again. They are going all in on perversion. In 2026, expect them to burn American and Israeli flags in our streets to remind us what they stand for, just in time for mid-term elections.
Back to the article circulated by the employee. The employee included information about a webinar being offered by a nationally known leftist advocacy group. The purpose of the webinar is to assist illegal aliens (mistakenly described as “undocumented”) to remain in colleges and universities.
The colleague expressed horror that law enforcement would contemplate entering - should I say violating? - the “sacred” grounds of the campus. Consider the contrast of the “sanctity” of the campus, which must be protected from law enforcement, in contrast to the borders of our nation, which are just an inconvenient line on the map.
I considered asking whether the purpose of the e-mail was to instruct employees to obstruct federal law enforcement. But I am not yet ready to lose my job.
Some accomodation could be made to put students with illegal immigration status on an F1 visa so they have a chance to go through the regular process. This is about students whose parents brought them here illegally when they were minors. However noone wants to solve the problem, and the Dems just want to go ahead and give them green cards or have them be exempt from deportation. But it is quite ludocrous that they can't just be placed on an F1 visa like any other foreign student. Some penalty should apply because of illegal entry, of course. The Dems want to use these issues divisively to get votes. Not interested in solving problems. Then again. The Dems did try to murder all of us with their mandates and with denying our access to covid treatments, so at this point anyone still voting for them is not someone I particularly care much to empathize with.
For a list of the ways that academia is failing to improve our lives please send a thesis to the ethics committee bureaucrats.