Have you seen the news? The healthcare-industrial complex is so determined to run your life that they will murder you for disagreeing with them.
We have made ourselves comfortable with hospitals denying ivermectin to dying CoVID patients. The new thing is strangulation for not wearing a mask, as Danielle Stephanie Warriner discovered in “progressive” Canada.

Watch the thug employees gleefully murder this poor woman. Do not tell me your eyes are too tender. This could be your family member.
I see the blogs and substackers and commenters asking, “When will we have had enough to finally stop the madness?” The answer should be obvious. No amount is enough until it hits your own household, God forbid.
“How could the Holocaust have happened?” This is how. There are soulless people in this world. They are numerous. They are powerful. They are meeting right now in Davos in the hopes of accelerating the carnage. And they loathe nothing in this world more than the person who thinks for himself.
Those of us with souls cannot succeed without leadership. Currently, we have no leaders with the fortitude to state that today’s government have power, but lack legitimacy. The condition of the Declaration of Independence’s second paragraph for replacing the government has been met in abundance.
Since there is no voting our way out of this, secession is the only viable option. That option has been consigned to the fringe of political discourse.
Prayer is necessary, but not sufficient; action is required. In the case of our weak generation, we do not appear to have any choice but to wait for the inevitable injection-induced suicide of the left.
I KNOW what I would have done ....
If this woman had been my wife ... murdered by hospital staff ... I would start picking the perpetrators off one by one, at range. What use are a expert marksman's skills if he doesn't use those skills when he and his have been wronged, and purposefully so?
My students' opinion of me was always that "the Prof is a kindly man". However, they didn't know what lies beneath. The only way to keep the beast within at bay is ... as Surak has always said .... secession.
Secession seems the logical step before the inevitable. For generations we have been bred into "comfort uber alles," and I fear that there will be no SHTF moment until people realize they literally have nothing left to lose but their lives.
The thing that really worries me about all this 2A business is that we've kind of outgrown its spirit as a national default state of mind. Oh, we're definitely still a gun culture, but only a serious remnant is prepared to go to the mat as the founders intended. But the deal is, without military-level organization, the police files will read "suicide by cop." I think DeGaulle after the fall of France warned against rash action and urged patriots to use their heads. Surveillance technology and reach is orders of magnitude more sophisticated than it has ever been, which really complicates matters. Changes the ballgame entirely.