Welcome, everyone. I was startled by the influx of new subscribers this past week as a result of the kind endorsement from Daniel Greenfield, whose writing I have admired for years. In turn, I have met several friends in the comment sections of Daniel’s articles at FrontPageMag. My perspective and concerns overlap with those of Daniel but are not identical.
I am a Jewish-American college professor teaching STEM subjects in the eastern United States, past middle age. I am pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-civilization.
I love illustrating information with graphics. You may see colored maps of America or the world on this blog, or all sorts of statistical graphics.
I love exploring ideas and how they drive history. I enjoy writing about health and wealth, as you can see from my most recent articles. (I was surprised to get no reaction to my recent column about cholesterol.)
I am Sabbath observant, somewhat in line with Traditional Judaism. I also admire the spiritual insights of the world’s other religions.
I generally try to refrain from what I call red-meat blogging, which means sending out shocking news to elicit a reaction of outrage.
I have a zero tolerance policy for anti-Semitism, and will ban any commenter who engages in it.
I am a three-time Trump voter, but I take the commandment against idolatry seriously. I have some proposals for the president-elect to consider, if he has the time. We can discuss them in a future column.
I hope I can add value to your life, and appreciate your interest.
While you are here, I ask that you help my fellow blogger Nitzakhon, who writes at Granite Grok. He is going through a rough patch now. Please buy him 5 coffees if you can afford it.
See you next time!
Chazac v’amatz! From the Torah that describe men of courage like Surak!
It has been my honor to know Surak for years. I have found him to be avid believer in getting to the Whole truth utilizing various statistical methods. In this he is north of brilliant! As a person he is honorable man that acts to defend hus faith, country and family with honor. If he is Surak then I am Dorf, the new Klingon!