Teile Und Herrsche

Reputedly, the German army’s motto during the D Day invasion by the Allies was “divide and conquer”; the Allies was, “One for all; all for one”. The totalitarian impulse to control and manipulate contrasts with the free-folk’s attitude of live and let live: this is a left-hemisphere/right-hemisphere issue and never the twains shall meet (they are on completely different twacks!). Thus, the ‘true believers’ demonize the skeptics (“that doubting Thomas will never make it into the Kingdom of Heaven”) and scientists warn against getting married to your own hypotheses (“safe and effective”), lest truth trumps politics and no one will ever believe you ever again; this is as it should be since a sterling reputation, once lost, becomes tarnished and never returns to its original luster.

My favourite author and powerful wordsmith, James Kunstler has it all scoped out, and I will leave the last word to him: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/an-ill-wind/

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I knew it you are a funny little hat person!

The only correct funny little hat is like mine aluminum!

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I will not accept or allow antisemites a venue! Shut them down immediately but in a way that exposes their ignorance! Not all conspiracy theories are truly wrong. Once upon a time the earth revolving around the sun was considered a ridiculous idea…

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We have an antiestablishment newspaper over here called the Light Paper and it has been giving some terrific news about the vaccine dangers and many other issues, however, they like so many have been dragged into the “Israel allowed them in to create a war”.

Sad how easily this happens

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