Aug 19Liked by Surak

The government-run medical-pharmaceutical machine subscribes to the belief that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be accepted as the truth. Likewise, if you label truth as mal-dis information consistently it will be accepted as a lie. Living in this confused world, one must only remember to think opposite (up is down, left is right, etc.) and the truth will be exposed. So, when they tell you that the poison jabs reduce death or hospitalizations, think the opposite. This is so easy to comprehend even a doctor or virologist can master it.

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In our household, when we hear an establishment source like the government or Wikipedia state an emphatic opinion on a contentious topic, saying that the opposition has been "debunked" or is "pseudoscience", that's when we know that most likely the opposite is true. It is so sad, but these establishment institutions have thoroughly squandered their credibility.

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I heard Fauci claim he had been vaccinated twice and had 6 boosters but still caught convid three times.

If it was a TV series it would not be credible.

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We see the same among our immediate acquaintances: family, friends, colleagues. The more jabs you had, the sicker you get. Forget about agendas, ideologies, or politics. Just look at your own experience. Why can't they see what is happening around them? Denial is not just a river in Egypt!

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Those in denial are those who were injected, who wants to admit to being a sheep?

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