The party system is broken, fundamentally broken, the globalist elites, starting with Tony Bliar have taken over the system.

The British election had the lowest turnout in history and if that is taken into consideration then the Labour Party had the support of 20% of the electorate.

But that works for the bureaucrats and the globalists and the establishment elites they care about nothing more than the new world order.


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It sounds to me as if the Tories are what we Yanks call RINOs. They are now merely a weak echo of the Liberal Democrats. UKIP and Heritage should merge with Reform. I love Tommy, but Nigel has more mass appeal.

However, I fear the damage is done. On day one, your new PM canceled the proposed immigration control, as I understand it. I fear there will be a mass amnesty in Britain, France, and America, permanently reshaping the voting population of all three countries.

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