Surak, I'm very glad that I found you again. My other computer died, and I've been trying my best to find you, again. Success!

I have some friends that I correspond with, in Israel, and they have a fine website that I go to on a daily basis. The website is called "Sergio & Rhoda in Israel". When the war broke out, they were visiting family and friends in Florida. Recently, they flew back to Israel (they live in Bethlehem). I haven't heard from them since they returned, and naturally, I'm somewhat worried about them.

I've missed talking to you so much, since the old computer died. And as you say below, "The seal of HaShem is truth. May God bless you and your good lady, my friend!

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Finally. Thank you for telling the truth. You're a blessed man.

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As you know, the seal of HaShem is truth.

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The truth shines through.

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Where Does Truth Lie?

Truth, that shop-worn and thread-bare connection to reality that passes through our flawed “perception”, allows us extant human beings to continue to survive in a hostile universe, just like our ancestors before us. How is that possible? How can a species as manifestly flawed as we bipeds persist on the only hospitable planet within our awareness? This question is far more important than the answer, but whatever answer you come up with, we all owe our existence to a dirty little secret: sex! Sex is the solution that has allowed higher animals to thrive in a sea of parasites (both biologic and temporal) and as the recent Great Covid Deception has revealed, those parasites (evil) are literally everywhere among us. Only the discerning mind (and body) can have a chance of continuance.

Thus the importance of truth: it isn’t what anyone says it is, it is what it is. Reliably, it also works. Werner Erhard, in his Little Book of Aphorisms, opined: “do what works; don’t do what doesn’t work”. John Denver, in his song “Some Days are Diamonds, Some Days are Stones” sang:

“Now you ask how I’ve been here without you,

I like to say, ‘I’ve been fine’, and I do.

But we all know the truth is hard to come by,

And if I spoke the truth, that’s not quite true.”

Further, to quote Paul in the Good Book, Ephesians, 6:20 KJV, “...we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against estates, against principalities, against the darkness of the world, against wickedness in high places....” Truth (received wisdom) or truth (that which survives) is not of the realm of words, those puny approximations capable of deception, but of far greater importance to our survival as a species, as a world, as an ideal. Truth has more to do with mathematics (where lying is not possible) and a believable lie cannot trump a painful truth. So gird up your loins and triple check your calculations: our survival depends on their accuracy!

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I've always enjoyed your poetic spirit.

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The Lord helps them that help themselves.

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Thank you for quoting Genesis 16:12...

The context is important! (This is from NIV)

11] The angel of the Lord also said to her:

You are now pregnant, and you will give birth to a son.

You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery.

12] He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

If this does not describe Islam in general and the Muslim people's practice of their religion (Cult) then I don't know what does! Excellent Surak!

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Just saw a meme of Kirk admonishing Spock for mishandling super glue.

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That could be a real problem for a starship, although I suppose they could always transport the offending super glue out of the way...

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Well put.

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Of course, I may have been dreaming, I wrote this article word for word some months back. 🥊

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Do you have a Substack or a blog or an article we can link to?

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Sorry, I do not.

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Nov 16, 2023
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You have quite a posting history there, Abuse. Substack will have a chance to look it over. Get out of here and go back to the hell from which you came.

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