Fascinating, I’ve often wondered why proportional representation is not more popular, I’ve asked several people who know politics and they reply “Hitler came to power that way”

Also, why after hundreds of years of government and law making do we still need millions of government workers to invent new laws?

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Thank you for your thoughts, Steve. For clarity, let me indicate that this article does not discuss proportional representation. That is a separate subject.

Proportional representation has its own set of problems, since parties rarely achieve outright majorities, forcing the leading party to form a coalition, which is likely to be unstable.

I would like to see a hybrid of single-winner districts, using positional voting, together with proportional representation incorporating a threshold for representation. I sent such a proposal to various publications and public-policy think tanks in Israel in the wake of the fragile coalitions and frequent elections a few years ago; I never got a response. Oh well.

Several years ago, my niece proposed to go to graduate school to get a degree in public policy writing. I refrained from asking her how much demand there was for such skills.

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